Planning Basics
Keeping on track is easier when your values and goals are set and aligned.
Financial Professionals
What can you expect from financial advisers?
Life Events
Life events always happen, and when they do, there are often financial consequences that come with them.
Learning to Invest
What does money mean to you? Personal freedom, a sense of security or the ability to afford?
Now that you have identified your values, set both short and long-term goals, and determined a budget – well done! It is time to take some steps to make this all happen.
- Do you need to open up a bank account so that you have a place to “park“ your money until you make informed decisions as to where it should go (how it will best help you achieve your goals)?
- Do you need to apply for credit to build up your credit rating? Careful not to build up debt.
- What if you have debt that you want to eliminate, what should you be doing to manage it?
- Should you put all your funds to eliminate debt, or balance saving and debt elimination?
Need to establish credit? There are great tools to help you identify what types of accounts or cards would be best for you. Check out the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s website that hosts a variety of tools that will help you identify and assess what option are right for you.