
Our website is a non-commercial public service. Our goal is to provide you with reliable information about investor protection resources and other initiatives of the Manitoba Financial Services Agency (MFSA). We strive to increase transparency into the MFSA and to provide equal access to our information for all Manitobans.


The Manitoba Financial Services Agency (MFSA) provides this website as a non-commercial public service. Our goal is to provide you with information about, investor education and protection resources and other initiatives of MFSA. MFSA has three divisions: (i) The Manitoba Securities Commission, (ii) The Financial Institutions Regulation Branch, and (iii) The Real Estate Division.

MFSA does not make any warranty or assume any legal liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information on this website or shared on MFSA’s Twitter page or YouTube channel. MFSA accepts no liability for damages to any person or business entity because of using this website, MFSA’s Twitter page or YouTube channel, any information contained therein, or any website linked to them. MFSA may revise these terms and policies and those linked herein from time to time, without notice. The most up to date terms and policies will be available here.

Privacy & Access to Information

MFSA is committed to protecting your privacy through responsible information management practices. We manage and protect personal information according to provisions of section 36(1)(b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, our mandate under the provincial laws we administer, and our internal policies, rules, regulations, directives and procedures.

For more information please review our Privacy Policy.


The information, software and graphics on our website are either:

  • copyrighted by MFSA or,
  • provided with the permission of the owner of the intellectual property rights or,
  • believed to be in the public domain.


We may provide links to other websites that are not under our control. We do this as a convenience and for reference only.  We do not endorse, recommend or accept any responsibility for the content of these websites.

If you wish to reproduce information on our website or link to our website for any purpose, or to obtain a copy of our logo for linking purposes, please contact the MFSA by phone at 204-945-2548 or email at

Social Media

MFSA publishes investor education and industry-related content to our various social media channels. We actively post to these channels and monitor them during regular business hours. For more on our social media channels, you can view our Social Media Policy.


If you have a question, complaint or tip, contact (204) 945-2548 or

By submitting a question, complaint or tip to the above telephone number or email address you are consenting to MFSA’s collection of your personal information that you provide in your submission.

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