About Us


We’re MoneySmart Manitoba, a place where Manitobans can grow their financial knowledge.

We are brought to you by the Manitoba Financial Services Agency (MFSA) to help Manitobans make informed financial decisions and protect themselves from a variety of financial frauds and scams.

Money and finances are so important to us as individuals, our families, and our communities. It affects our stress levels, impacts our savings from hard work, and is tied together with planning for our futures. Our goals are to:

  • help families talk about and plan together their financial futures
  • help communities share goals and values around money
  • help every individual begin and continue their financial journey no matter what their experience so far.

MoneySmart Manitoba provides unbiased and vital information and tools to help build confidence and tackle some of the money issues that many Manitobans may face in their day-to-day lives.

We are trusted to be independent because we’re not trying to sell you anything. We’re a part of your Government of Manitoba. The MFSA is a special operating agency of the Manitoba Government. The MFSA is comprised of the Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC) which regulates the investment industry, the Real Estate division which regulates the Real Estate Industry and the Financial Institutions Regulation Branch (FIRB) which regulates credit unions, insurance, co-ops, and trust companies. Information on this site is intended to educate the public and help protect them from potential financial harms.

So, let’s get started together.  Grow your financial knowledge.

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