Protecting Seniors

Help protect yourself from financial fraud

Financial abuse is the most common type of abuse suffered by older Manitobans, affecting 4–10% of this group. Financial abuse occurs when money is taken from you without your permission or is misused by another. This type of abuse may include, among other things,

  • Theft of money, bank cards or credit cards
  • Using an older or vulnerable person’s money for purposes other than what the person intended
  • The pressure to lend money without any intention of paying it back

In most cases, you will be victimized by a family member or close friend. Rarely is it a perfect stranger.

What are the risk factors?

Look for these signs that may put you, a family member or someone in your social circle at risk:

  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Inability to perform activities of daily living
  • Being affected by physical or mental illness
  • Dependency on alcohol, drugs or prescription medications
  • Reliance on others for assistance with financial matters

How do I protect myself and others?

  • Stay social – participate in community activities.
  • Keep track of your finances by reviewing all your financial statements and related documents.
  • Make sure you have a will, power of attorney and health care directive.
  • Check into banking options that will make managing your finances easier, such as direct deposit and pre-authorized bill payments.

These guides will help you recognize and avoid financial abuse:

These guides will help you recognize and avoid investment frauds and scams:

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